Monday, January 5, 2009

Critics Everywhere: Hurdle 1

This is going to be a series that will pop up as and when I face a hurdle as an entrepreneur. Today I faced my first hurdle of "critic views".
Critics are of two types, who I have faced in my journey;
1. Someone who adds value to the situation
2. Someone who actually doesn't like you or your idea or who is arrogant and prejudiced about their own ideas

Well I faced both of them. It is really nice to have critics of the first category but second ones are dangerous. They are like slow poison. Their words keep beeing in your heads and someday you will believe that they were right and you are wrong. Well don't worry, it is just hypnosis.

We face so many such people who have prejudiced ideas about a person and experiences. They are not ready to look at a better picture which they always would have faced the other way.

I find critics everywhere, whenever I take my business plan and put it on their table grrrrrrrrrr, uh enough.
I want some value inputs not what you think about me.

So entrepreneurs.......... who are feeling dejected and disoriented about yourselves, fasten your seat belts and stick to the have a long way to go, to achieve your dream and to walk on this path.
Shake these criticisms and walk on.

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