Saturday, November 29, 2008

MUMBAI 9/11 vs 26/11

After a long time I am reminded of my blog to share something with the readers.
What has made me do that? The overwhelming 3 day fight at Mumbai, as the media titles it as "THE INDIA 9/11".

Where is all this leading to? Why are people getting so barbaric? Is this the purpose of life? Is this what is representation of today's youth?

Bharat entrepreneurs need to look at this issue to solve. Entrepreneurs are people who can actively take up problems and efficiently provide solutions to such issues. We need to create an army fund, crisis management system and an organisation to monitor the political instability in this country.

Wake up and let start a movement.


  1. very interesting. I am with you. Lets not forget this and start living with our fear. I feel its time to wake up and get the things in order. We, the youth have the power and we need to do this at any cost.
    Lets discuss this more.
    Best regards

  2. I fully agree!

    However hasn't mumbai had the underworld rule from a very long time? Isn't that one "face" of terror?

    Just my thoughts...

    Best Regards,
    Sameer Panchangam

  3. Absolutely!!
    It is not just about discussion here but it is about implementation.
    The government and the authorities may deny the following but this is what has been told by an insider, an eye witness who luckily saved his life from the terrorists at the Taj.
    They just lined up all innocent people and shot them indiscriminately and they were smiling all the time when they did this ruthless act.


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